Legatura maritima din Mumbai poate fi unul din cele mai spectaculoase poduri ale Indiei. Dar privind catre podurile uimitoare ale Chinei, legatura maritima pare atat de obisnuita… Podurile din China sunt adevarate minuni arhitectonice…

Podul din Golful Hangzhou\r\nPodul trans-oceanic cel mai mare din lume se intinde peste Hangzhou Bay cu o lungime de peste 35 de kilometri (22 mile). Are sase benzi pe fiecare din cele doua sensuri.

Inaugurata in luna mai din 2008, aceasta minune moderna este un pod in forma de S atarnat in cabluri, cu sase benzi pe fiecare din cele doua sensuri. Reduce distanta dintre Shanghai si Ningbo cu 120 km. Aceasta minune arhitectonica a costat enorm: 11,8 miliarde yuani (adica 1,70 miliarde USD).

Podul Nanpu\r\nPodul Nanpu este al patrulea cel mai lung pod atarnat in cabluri din lume. Cu o lungime de 83,46 kilometri, este primul pod cu grinzi compozit otel-beton atarnat in cabluri construit in Shanghai.

The tower height is 150 metres with two lines of strong cables suspending the bridge. The spiral bridge design in puxi is an outstanding feature.

Lupu Bridge
The Lupu Bridge of Shanghai is the longest steel arch bridge in the world. Its 550-meter-long arch span is 32 metres longer than that of the New River Gorge Bridge in West Virginia, US. The spectacular main arch is 9 metres high and 5 metres wide.

The Wind and Rain Bridge
Built in 1916, the Wind and Rain Bridge reflects the Dong architecture. Located in the Chengyang Village of Sanjiang County, the bridge is across the Linxi River. It is also called Linxi Wind and Rain Bridge.

Xihoumen Bridge
A suspension bridge built on the Zhoushan Archipelago, it is the second longest suspension bridge by the length of the centre span. The 5.3 kilometre long suspension bridge has a 2.6 kilometre long main bridge with a central span of 1,650 metres. The bridge was built at a cost of 2.48 billion yuan ($300 million).

Runyang Bridge
The Runyang Bridge is a huge bridge complex that crosses the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province, China. The complex consists of two major bridges that link Zhenjiang on the south bank of the river and Yangzhou on the north. The bridge is a part of the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway.

The south bridge is a suspension bridge with a main span of 1,490 metres (4,888 ft). The north bridge is a cable-stayed bridge with a main span of 406 metres (1,332 ft) with towers 150 metres (492 ft) above water level. The bridge, inaugurated on 30 April 2005, cost 5.8 billion Yuan (about $700 million).

Donghai Bridge
The Donghai Bridge is one of the longest bridges built across the sea. The S-shaped Donghai Bridge was built at the cost $1.2 billion. It has a total length of 32.5 kilometres (20.2 miles) and connects mainland Shanghai and the offshore Yangshan deep-water port in China.

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